Monday, March 30, 2009
floating on the breeze...
So, there it is. Goodbye blogger, and hello Follow me there, and add your name to my email list, so you'll get newsletters on merch and other happenings.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Milo Comic Strip #17
The colors are not as good on this as I'd like. Photoshop always drains the color out when you convert to jpg. Anybody who knows the magic of how to keep that from happening, I'm all ears.
Hank finally gets the drop on the little guy. I'm sure this will end in tears, or possibly shreds of rubber all over the ground. But not for a while yet. Probably it'll get worse before it gets better. Maybe for years.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Nailing down a cloud (or at least asking him to sit still for a second)
So I’m doing this exercise, because I’m building the website architecture, and the first steps (in a tutorial I was checking out) involve defining exactly why you’re doing this thing. Which is something that I’ve never actually sat down and considered. I mean, I just draw the comics because I enjoy doing them, and I’m doing the book because I love the story, and I made the first toys because I wanted to see if I could. But the sitting down and defining is a really good thing to do, whatever you happen to be taking on, because it makes you consider if you actually want to do this thing at all. Looking at it in black and white makes you go, “hmmm. That’s pretty big. Do I really want that? Am I prepared to do all of that?” The even better thing right now is that I’m answering, “Hell yes I do!” I’m going to need help with it, and that’s maybe where I’ll have some problems (because I’m a dreamer, and not that good a delegator) but the thought of that doesn’t fill me with dread or make me want to stop. It makes me say, “I don’t know how I’ll do that, but I can learn.”
The thing that made me want to write this down was that I was thinking of who my audiences are, and the thought of the kinds of people that might dig what I’m doing made me realize that there’s something very cool about the age that we live in. Because of Twitter and blogs and message boards about random interests that are shared by niche groups of people around the world, it’s a very interesting time to be a small-time creator starting out. The fact that every time I post one of the
I’m very excited, and I’m glad if you’re lurking out there. Hit me up on twitter, or drop
Anyway, if you’ve read that whole thing, then cheers to you, and I hope that you enjoy the ride.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Milo Comic Strip #16
Friday, March 20, 2009
Milo Comic Strip #15
Click to embiggen, (I think, although, it might actually be as big as it'll get right here. I don't know, it's 2 a.m. and I'm only posting this because I set myself these stupid deadlines and I'm trying desperately to keep them and also plan a wedding).
I don't really want this to become a political cartoon, but sometimes you just gotta say something, and Lou is a good voiceless voice. I figure he'll sell his services to the highest bidder, even though he'd probably do it all for free just to prove he can.
Have a nice Friday. I plan to go for a walk.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
No comic today.
Which is kinda lame.
Sorry, folks.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Not comics...
World Builder from Bruce Branit on Vimeo.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Milo Comic Strip #13
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Milo Comic Strip #12
Click the comic for full size.
Here's Eva. She looks a bit overwhelmed to be meeting the boys. As well she should be.
Not gonna say much on this one. I could have worked for hours more on it, and not felt like it was done. But I want these to come out in as timely a manner as I can, so I let go of it.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Milo Comic Strip #11
Better late than never, huh? I'm doing my best to keep to my Monday and Thursday upload. This is technically still Monday, though it's stretching it well into Monday night. (11 pm central standard time). I'm very happy with the sketches I've been doing on Eva, who I think I'll be able to introduce to you folks on the next strip, which'll be a full pager. Want to introduce her in a cool way. Till then, Lou deadlifting a blender.