Monday, February 15, 2010

Angry Like Kevin Smith...but not quite so famous? Read on...

Here's the run-down, really fast, because I don't know that everybody who reads this (all ten of you) will necessarily be up on this particular news bite.  Kevin Smith, the director of Clerks, Mallrats, and Chasing Amy, was booted off a Southwest flight this weekend for being "too fat for the sky," as it was so aptly put by one of his twitter followers.  The resulting shit-storm by Kevin, via twitter, was a thing to behold.  He came down hard and fast on Southwest, causing the company to apologize by way of the poor sap who has to run the @southwest twitter feed, and via their blog, which I won't bother linking to;  it hasn't worked for me once since I started trying to view it.

As I listened to Kevin's podcast, the Smodcast, it was really nagging at me.  What do you do if you get royally gnawed on by the corporate machine, but you don't happen to have 1,651,646 followers on twitter?

I'm not exactly sure, but it really bugged me all night, and I thought I'd try something.  What if you could use a twitter hashtag, that little # that makes people know you're talking about something that others might want to talk about as well, and people would take up your cause, and re-tweet that mother, so that the corporate douchebags might take a little notice of your tiny twitter account with all of 18 followers?

That's why I'm taking this absolutely longform attempt at creating such a hashtag.


If you've just been screwed over by the man, if some corporate douchebag just made you cry like a fat man thrown off a plane (I know, Kev, you didn't cry, but that girl sitting next to you wanted to, and I don't want to pick on her.  I know you can take it), then maybe we can find a little help in Kev's army, and bring some light to places where there needs a laser-powered spot-light.

And maybe only ten of you will read this, and it'll die right here, but this was really eating at me all night, so I had to try.  Tweet this mother of a blogpost, and let's get started.  Let's do it for that girl sitting next to Kevin on that second Southwest flight.  Let's do it for her, whatever her name is.

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